Cybersecurity And Cyberwar: Everyone Needs To Know

Our modern way of life in general basically depends on the Internet. And cybersecurity and cyberwar topics threaten all people.

Officials and authorities protect the entire nation. From the existing new forms of attack while planning new cyberwars.

Cybersecurity and cyberwar arrive at an interesting time. The limit of inter-connectivity of each organization makes cyber-surveillance more and more effortless to put into effect.

Cyberspace is the environment of computer networks and users. Behind them, in which data is stored, shared, and communicated online. But, not everything in cyberspace is virtual. The real-world components of cyberspace are physical. It includes the servers, the fiber optic cables, the computer on your desk and your iPad. And the buildings within which all these are housed. Not to mention the physical reality of the users behind them.

Naturally, aside from cyber-terrorism and cyber-espionage, cyber-warfare is also a risk in cyberspace. But, identifying the extent of any of these threats is problematic. There are a lot of different sources of data about cyber-crime. However, all of them are not complete. Some of which are under-reporting and over-reporting. Depending upon the source like banks are prone to under-reporting. Because it reflects badly upon their security methods. Security consultancies are prone to over-report. It is in the hope of stimulating demand for their services.

Can We Do Something To Attain Cybersecurity And Prevent Cyberwar?

For several reasons, this question is so hard. In most cases, various organizations users control the basis of the Internet.

Regardless of what happens at international and governmental levels, cybersecurity will continue to be an issue for organizations and individuals, since it is they that suffer from an attack.

Guidelines To Prevent Cyberwar

  • First, is the warning about the use of passwords that are repeatedly doing.

It should be unique for various sites and services. And need to be changed regularly for security purposes. But most people now prefer to use simple passwords.  It for their convenience, use them on every site they open, and never change them.

The principle of least effort prevails, and until eyeball, iris recognition or fingerprint recognition is commonly available, most personal computer systems are going to continue to be at risk.

  • Second, is to always update whatever systems you have on your computer device with the security patches issued by the software companies.

This process is certainly much easier to implement since most systems will have an automatic update capability, which requires the user to do nothing at all other than initialize it.

  • Finally, is human behavior. We accept every email message as authentic and non-dangerous. And we will likely get into trouble.

If, we keep in our minds that assuming someone out there is out to get you does not necessarily mean that you are paranoid. And if you treat every unusual message from an unknown source as a potential threat, your systems are likely to survive much longer.

As we know the importance of cybersecurity and the risks cyberwar brings in cyberspace, there is a need to manage them personally, organizationally, nationally, and internationally.

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