Cybersecurity Protection

Computer Forensics

What is Computer Forensics?
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Computer forensics is the process of investigating digital information for evidence of illegal activities in digital devices such as computers, cell phones, and personal digital assistants (PDA). This process is often done by law enforcement officials. For instance, when investigating cases involving computer crimes, harassment, frauds, Internet scams, child pornography, blackmailing, identity theft, and terrorism.  …

What is Computer Forensics?

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types of computer security

What are Types of Computer Security?
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There are five types of computer security: 1. Password Protection Passwords are the most common measures of computer security. A user is required to give a password to access his or her computer or any of its programs. This password is usually a series of upper-case and lower-case letters, numbers, and special symbols. The password may be …

What are Types of Computer Security?

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cybersecurity employee training

How to Handle Cybersecurity Employee Training in the Workplace
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Here are tips for handling effective cybersecurity employee training. Cybersecurity Employee Training Tips 1. Cybersecurity employee training should be mandatory. 2. Include your employees in the development of the training material. 3. If you are unsure of how to start, in addition, consider contracting with a professional cybersecurity training company. 4. Ensure that the training material you …

How to Handle Cybersecurity Employee Training in the Workplace

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password security tips

Password Security Tips
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Perhaps you can make use of these password security tips to train employees on how to create strong passwords on their accounts. Why Consider How Employees Practice Safe Browsing Your employees might not be the only ones using their computers. Have you thought of that?  You might want to consider monitoring their online activities or even install …

Password Security Tips

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social media cyber security awareness

How to Spread Social Media Cyber Security Awareness
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Here are ways you can spread social media cyber security awareness for employees. Social Media Cyber Security Awareness Methods 1. Create a formal training program By having a formal training program, you will be able to effectively train and re-train employees on cyber security. It will also help you hold employees accountable for their actions. 2. Have …

How to Spread Social Media Cyber Security Awareness

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social media security best practices

6 Social Media Security Best Practices
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Here are social media security best practices that every employee should know. Social Media Security Best Practices 1. Be careful of what you post. Don’t post information about any company or asset that could be considered sensitive. However, if you do, don’t post when you’re on the job. Also, don’t post anything when you’re on …

6 Social Media Security Best Practices

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threat intelligence

What is Threat Intelligence?
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Threat intelligence or cyber threat intelligence helps an organization better understand threats. In turn, better helps leaders make informed decisions. Most especially during attacks. Threat Intelligence Threat intelligence is a multidisciplinary field that aims to provide organizations with a better understanding of their adversaries’ tactics, techniques, and procedures, and ultimately their intentions. To understand threat intelligence is …

What is Threat Intelligence?

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