Cybersecurity Best Practices

Cybersecurity Best Practices for Employees

Make sure to implement cybersecurity best practices within your entity. Of course, everyone inside an organization is responsible for keeping a safe and secure cyber environment. This foremost includes employees. 

Employees need not learn cryptojacking, coding, or even programming. But at least, they should know how to follow basic cybersecurity hygiene. 

So in this article, we will be giving you a list of cybersecurity best practices. At least, this should help you start educating your workers.

Cybersecurity Best Practices for Employees

1. Keep Your Devices Updated

Like any software, they are always prone to have bugs. And the same goes for the software that comprises your devices. 

So it is important to keep your devices updated. Apple and Google are very vocal about their updates to their devices. 

And although most of them can be installed automatically, you can check for updates manually as well. 

2. Update Your Antivirus Software Too

Again, like any software, antivirus software also has bugs and issues that need to be fixed and updated accordingly. You don’t want to be using outdated antivirus software as it can affect your overall device performance and even the security features of your device. 

3. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for Your Devices

2FA is just a security feature that requires you to enter not only your password but another form of identity verification before you can access a device or even a website. 

This means, besides entering your login credentials once, you will again need to enter another code that is generated by an app or SMS sent to your phone number. For example, if you use the Google Authenticator app on Android or iOS, you will need to enter the 6-digit code shown in the app before gaining access to your account. 

4. Set Strong Passwords and Change them Regularly

You must already know this but still – set strong passwords for all accounts you have online and change them regularly. Make sure they are not guessable in any way (e.g., by being related to dates, names of loved ones, etc). 

Also, don’t reuse the same passwords for multiple accounts (which is sometimes inevitable). This way, if one account gets hacked, the others will still be safe from harm as long as they use different passwords from the one used in the compromised account. 

5. Don’t Use Public Wi-Fi Networks Without Securing Your Connection First

There’s nothing more to it than that! You’re risking a lot when using public Wi-Fi networks – cybercriminals can easily intercept private data being transmitted over these networks without having physical access to the network itself. 

To secure yourself against such threats, always use a VPN service when connecting through public Wi-Fi networks or even cellular data connection when using mobile phones/tablets with Android or iOS operating systems (as these devices have built-in VPN settings). 

6. Conduct Regular Training Sessions or Send Regular Reminders

The staff should also be trained to report any suspicious behavior within the organization. A good way to go about this is to conduct regular training sessions or send regular reminders for employees to be aware of cybersecurity threats and how they can protect themselves against them.

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