cybersecurity games

Cybersecurity Games To Promote Security Awareness

Are there games in the name of cybersecurity? Well, have you heard about cybersecurity games? The fact is cybersecurity often does not associate with fun and games.

But yes, it’s really possible to create a fun environment in the name of cybersecurity. And that is through cybersecurity games. But what can these games do?

The Benefits Of Cybersecurity Games

Cybersecurity games can be fun. At the same time, it can be beneficial for your employees.

Consider the following:

  • It promotes security awareness while having fun.
  • Employees play and have fun. While at the same time, they learn and feel a sense of engagement.
  • Game-based learning presents lots of opportunities. For instance, you can advance skills by immersing them in real-life situations.
  • Within the game, you can appreciate failure as a learning opportunity. Moreover, you can identify your highly-engaged employees

So in this post, we listed some of these games to help you get started.

Cybersecurity Games To Train Your Employees

Targeted Attack: The Game

This game presents a video to the user. He then chooses the strategy, the way forward, as well as a defined budget. But what is your goal inside this game? Well, you will be the CIO of Fugle Inc. You have to spend your budget wisely by making the best decision.

Cybersecurity Lab

In this game, you are to lead cybersecurity as the CTO of social networking startup. So, your goal is to bolster your defenses. You are to ward off attacks in diverse challenges which involve code and password cracking, and others.

Cyber Awareness Challenge

It’s a training-style game designed by the military. A message from the year 2030 announced an urgent warning of past security incidents. But this incident seriously affects life in the future.

So, it’s your goal to prevent these events from occurring. Yes, you have to lower the overall threat to status and change the future.

Keep Tradition Secure

Inside the game, a hacker with the codename “Bad Bull” exists. But, it threatens the traditions of the Texas A&M Campus. So, to track the threat, the user has to answer cybersecurity questions while roaming the campus.

Zero Threat

It is a cybersecurity training game where your network is under constant attack. It carries simulated risks such as malicious websites, breaches, phishing emails, and others. So this game can be a good training tool for you and your employees.

Game Of Threats

In this game, the user can play as an attacker or as a defender. As a user, you’ll be experiencing time management in seconds. You’ll do that while your company’s precious information is under threat.

Moreover, Pwc is the developer of the game. The goal is to help executives understand what main decisions they have to make in a short time.

Cyber Escape Room

Have you played the game “Escape Rooms”? That game is very amusing both for children and adults. But, what if the game is themed on cybersecurity? Well, that would be fun. You’ll be living in Security’s Cyber Escape Room.

You’ll experience hands-on and fun learning. As well as comprehensive and relevant training. Then, the result would be promoting cybersecurity awareness that generates results. Especially in a fun way of escaping threats.

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