Cloud Computing Services

Examples of Cloud Computing Services

Cloud computing services are the distribution of computing services over the Internet (“the cloud”) to provide speedier innovation, more flexible resources, and economies of scale.

In this article, let us learn more about the different examples of cloud computing services.

Cloud Computing Services Examples:

Amazon Web Services (AWS):

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a cloud computing platform that provides on-demand cloud computing platforms to individuals, companies, and governments. Besides, Amazon manages the infrastructure and underlying hardware for its online services. 

Moreover, Amazon markets AWS as a service to provide large computing capacity more quickly and cost-effectively. Amazon also markets AWS as a service for small businesses that need a full-time website hosting service. 

In the beginning, Amazon Web Service was used by startups. But now Amazon is using this service in different possible ways.

Google Cloud Platform (GCP):

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a cloud computing platform that provides an infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) platform for building, deploying, and managing applications across computers located in Google data centers. GCP offers prepackaged solutions for web hosting, analytics, Hadoop, machine learning, and application development, for instance. 

In addition, GCP manages the infrastructure and underlying hardware for its online services. GCP also markets itself as a service for small businesses that need a full-time website hosting service. Lastly, GCP also offers different types of services like big data analysis services, enterprise email services, enterprise storage services, etc. 

Microsoft Azure:

Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing platform that provides an IaaS platform for building, deploying, and managing applications and services. This is through Microsoft-managed data centers. Azure also offers different types of services like big data analysis services, enterprise email services, enterprise storage services, etc. 

IBM Bluemix: 

IBM Bluemix is a cloud computing platform that provides an IaaS platform for building, deploying, and managing applications and services through IBM-managed data centers. Bluemix offers different types of services like big data analysis services, enterprise email services, enterprise storage services, etc. 

Alibaba Cloud (Aliyun): 

Alibaba Cloud (Aliyun) is another platform that provides an IaaS platform for building, deploying, and managing applications and services. This is through Alibaba-owned data centers. Aliyun offers different types of services like big data analysis services, enterprise email services, enterprise storage services, etc. 

Benefits of Cloud Computing Services:

Access to Resources: 

These services provide access to resources like servers, networks, storage devices, applications, etc. to the end-users over the internet on-demand.

Pay-Per-Use Model:

Cloud computing services follow the pay-per-use model. It means that end users can use the resources based on their requirements. Therefore, end-users are not required to pay for the resources they don’t use. For example, if an organization is using 20% of its allocated storage space on a cloud storage service, it will be charged only for 20% of its total storage space usage.


Cloud computing services provide virtualization of resources through virtual machines by separating the operating systems of physical machines from the operating system of the virtual machine. It reduces the cost of hardware for the setup of new servers at data centers and therefore decreases the time required for provisioning new servers or applications. 

Moreover, it offers flexibility in hardware configuration and allows a more efficient allocation of hardware resources. This increases speed by reducing system administration workload on physical servers. 

Billing Methods:

Cloud services provide different types of billing methods to their clients depending upon their requirement or choice, like pay-as-you-go billing model or usage-based billing model, etc. 

The Pay-as-you-go billing method charges clients for only consumed resources while usage based billing method charges clients based on fixed costs plus costs per amount of consumed resources in a fixed period (month). 


These services ensure reliability in data processing when there is a large number of end-users in an organization because cloud computing providers handle all data management issues in their data centers to improve reliability for various factors like information security, business continuity, etc. 

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