Role of the Internet of Things (IoT) in Cyber Security Automotive

Role of the Internet of Things (IoT) in Cyber Security Automotive

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical devices including smartphones, household appliances, wearable devices, and other items, connected to the internet. IoT is proving to be a boon for industry and consumers alike. And it’s also proving to be an attack vector for cybercriminals.

The automotive industry is no different, with connected cars opening up new ways for criminals to target drivers and passengers. Connected cars are vulnerable to cyber attacks, which can cause physical harm or even death, through hacking or other techniques. The goal of this article is to explore some of these concerns and suggest ways that the IoT can be useful in automotive cybersecurity.

What Are the Security Concerns?

As more and more automobile manufacturers connect their vehicles to the internet, cybercriminals are increasingly able to hack these vehicles. These hacks can lead to personal injury or death, as the vehicle could be remotely controlled or caused to crash. 

Carjacking, “stealing” an automobile can be possible by someone sitting in his bedroom using the internet. Hackers could even be able to drive your car off a bridge or into oncoming traffic. While this may sound like science fiction, technology exists today to do it. It’s not just cars that are vulnerable, either. 

Trucks and other large machinery are also at risk of hacking attacks. If you can hack a car, you can hack any electronic system – including medical devices like pacemakers and insulin pumps. While there is no evidence that any cyber attacks have caused physical harm or death, it’s only a matter of time before they do. This alone should be enough to cause concern for all drivers. 

Texting while driving is dangerous enough; imagine what would happen if you were texting while your car was under the control of a hacker miles away! Automakers are also concerned with protecting their brand reputation and potential lost revenue due to software vulnerabilities that could lead to crashes or other safety issues. 

How does IoT fit into Cyber Security Automotive? 

Automakers are now connecting their cars with other connected devices from the home and the road, creating new attack vectors for hackers as connected cars cross-connect with connected homes and connected businesses. 

To protect connected automobiles from cyber attacks, they’ll need more than just traditional cybersecurity measures – they’ll need a full-spectrum approach that includes cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain technology, along with traditional cybersecurity tools such as firewalls and anti-virus software. 

Artificial intelligence will play a key role in helping monitor for abnormal behavior on the network and blockchain will provide the immutability required for recording events that may have been missed by AI but can’t be altered once recorded without being detected by an immutable record that has been automatically flagged as unusual activity.

Additionally, automakers will need to educate consumers about cybersecurity risks associated with connected cars, home automation systems, and smart city technologies if they’re going to convince buyers that they’re safe from cybercriminals who want access to their data or even control over their lives through hacking.

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