What is ENISA Cybersecurity?

European Union Agency for Cybersecurity or ENISA Cybersecurity.

Do you know what roles this agency plays in the EU cybersecurity efforts?

More and more people are trusting cyberspace for important details. May it be about themselves, banking details, or whatnot.

And this is especially true for national information. One that can affect national security. This is also true for big players in society.

Because of these, many areas of the EU’s society can be a target for cybercriminals. And, with a lot of people and companies already hyper-connected, it’s an easy target for them.

Additionally, their favorite target is e-commerce and e-payment companies. They also target the healthcare system as much.

Thus, the EU has seen the value of strengthening its cybersecurity efforts. And they did this through ENISA.

If you are a resident of a European country, you might have heard about this. But, if you haven’t, then no worries. It doesn’t make you less of a citizen. 

So, in this article, we will help you understand the importance of ENISA in your country.

ENISA Cybersecurity

ENISA is an agency made by the European Union. Its role is to focus on ensuring high-level cybersecurity in all European countries.

In 2004, the agency was born. Then, through the Cybersecurity Act in 2019, its role was further set.

And, their key role is to make sure they prevent and address network security problems. This also includes information security problems.

And also, it became responsible for these important areas:

  • contribute to cyber policies
  • improve ICT products to become more reliable
  • promote better ICT services and processes
  • making cybersecurity certification systems
  • cooperate with Member States and EU bodies
  • prepare the EU for future cyber challenges

Also, ENISA works with stakeholders through:

  • capacity building
  • knowledge sharing
  • awareness-raising

This is to ensure important things such as:

  • improving the resilience of EU’s infrastructure
  • increasing trust within its connected economy
  • keeping all of EU’s citizen secured digital-wise

Then, ENISA aims to improve in areas for high-level cybersecurity in the EU. These includes:

  • cross-sectoral cooperation
  • all-inclusive participation
  • a collaboration of the Member States, EU institutions, and agencies
  • ensure all common efforts balance
  • use limited cybersecurity expertise and resources in an effective manner
  • increasing cybersecurity knowledge and competences

Other Roles of ENISA

The implementation of the NIS Directive falls under ENISA’s roles. Then, this Directive aims to give legal measures to improve all countries in the EU.

Further, in 2016, this Directive was adopted by the EU. Then, they required all countries to adopt this Directive.

ENISA must make sure that countries follow this Directive. And, some parts of this Directive include:

  • the countries making their Computer Security Incident Response Team or CSIRT Network
  • important sectors including digital service providers must also comply
  • countries need to be equipped

Also, ENISA is overseen by a body of people. They are comprised of:

  • EU Member States representatives
  • EU Commission
  • Other stakeholders


ENISA Cybersecurity plays a big part in any EU country today. So, if you live in one of them, hopefully, this article helped you see its importance in your area.

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