NIST Detect Respond

What is the NIST Detect Respond?

The NIST detect respond function consists of operations that should be carried out in response to an identified cybersecurity problem. The ability to contain the impact of a possible cybersecurity issue is supported by the Respond Function.

In this post, let us know more about this function among the five functions of the NIST cybersecurity framework.

NIST Detect Respond Function

The NIST detect response function focuses on the cybersecurity issue on time. In addition, it is a continuous process in which the Security Operations Center (SOC) takes a proactive stance in monitoring and analyzing a cyber environment.

This function uses real-time monitoring and analysis of security events to detect possible cybersecurity issues before they get out of hand. Based on the urgency of the issue, the SOC will then decide to take necessary actions or not. For example, this may include:

  • Implementing new security measures such as patches, fixes upgrades, and relevant security tools
  • Addressing network vulnerabilities by implementing appropriate controls and countermeasures techniques. 

However, only take this action if the issue is serious enough. Perhaps an issue that needs immediate action.  

The Purpose of the NIST Framework

The NIST framework aims at helping organizations adhere to good cybersecurity practices while adopting an effective approach to handle possible cybersecurity incidents. The framework has five functions. Any organization can use these functions to manage its cybersecurity risk. This includes: identify, protect, detect, respond, and recover.


Identify involves defining the information system and its assets; defining vulnerabilities; and determining threats and countermeasures.


Protect is about implementing security controls to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information systems and their assets.


Detect involves identifying cybersecurity events and managing these events by using monitoring capabilities.


Respond is about carrying out operations that you need to do in response to identified cybersecurity problems.


Recover involves restoring the availability of an information system after a cybersecurity incident has occurred

How does the NIST framework work?

The framework consists of five functions. Each function aims at ensuring that an organization has adequate cybersecurity measures in place to manage a cyber incident.

However, before putting a framework into place, a business first has to have a risk assessment in detail. Besides, this is to determine the vulnerabilities and threats. You can also carry this out by carrying out a self-assessment or by hiring a cybersecurity firm to do it for you. 

After this, the NIST framework can be put into place. This process begins with defining the information system and its assets to know what exactly you should protect. This will then lead to identifying vulnerabilities and threats that may affect it. The next step involves determining countermeasures that will help in protecting the information system from these threats and vulnerabilities.

Then, it is time to implement security controls which are the building blocks of the NIST framework. These controls will then protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your information systems from possible cyber threats.

Finally, procedures need to be put in place. By doing so, you are lessening the effects to the organization’s operations once a cybersecurity incident occurs.

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