Why Cybersecurity is Important

Why Cybersecurity is Important

Have you thought about why cybersecurity is important? Why are a lot of companies now putting more focus on cybersecurity?

If you want to know more, keep on reading.

Why Cybersecurity is Important

Affects Everyone

Yes, everyone. As long as you have an online account, a smartphone, a laptop, or what. Cyberattacks are now getting more common.

As per one report, computers in the US get attacked every 39 seconds. Shocking, right? These attacks can cause a lot of damage.

For one, it loses all your valuable data. For companies, it means losing millions of dollars.

Further, cyberattacks can happen on a global scale. Meaning, hackers can attack the public sector. Which, in turn, harms their citizens.

So, we should be worried when it comes to cybersecurity.

New Techs, New Attacks

Today, new techs are rising all the time. So, new techs mean new kinds of threats. For example, the rise of 5G.

Once 5G becomes more common, other vulnerabilities arise. Since we do not yet know the whole scope of this tech, cybercriminals may use this to attack.

Another one is the rise of IoT devices. Its rise gave way to a lot of connected devices. But because of that, hackers can now also use new techs to attack.

Meaning, they can also automate cyberattacks. If companies use AI and machine learning to keep hackers out, the other side can also use them.

Damage to Businesses and Job Loss

When attackers get things their way, it could pose a great risk. In recent, there have been a lot of big brands experiencing breaches.

As a result, they lost millions of dollars. Not only due to the attack itself and from recovering from it, but also from paying fines.

Because of this, many executives lost their jobs. Also, some other employees may lose their jobs due to the company cutting costs.

Some of the big names who experienced a breach include:

  • Facebook
  • The UK National Health Service
  • Equifax
  • Yahoo
  • First American Corporation

Increased Regulations and Legislation

Because cyber threats are rising, new laws may also rise. Meaning, soon, new regulations and legislation may come up.

Then, higher penalties may be put in place for the attackers. But companies may also face higher fines if they fail to follow these laws.

As a result, they may experience the one listed just above this one. So, you and everyone else will need to be aware of any new laws passed.

Companies must also be proactive in keeping up and following new laws. This will help them avoid being attacked. And as a result, they can avoid the hefty fines they may face if they fail to do so.

Cybersecurity is Important

So, as you can see, cybersecurity is indeed important. It can affect you, your company, your job, and your personal information.

Thus, if you do not want to be a victim of cyberattacks, be sure to put a focus on cybersecurity. Be more proactive and follow the best practices. Then, keep on checking your strategies once in a while.

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