Cyber Security Vs Information Security

Cyber Security Vs Information Security: Are They Really The Same?

Cyber security vs information security- these two are often interchanged. But, in reality, are they really the same?

In this post, you will learn the following:

  • What is cyber security?
  • What is information security?
  • How are these two the same in some way?
  • But, what are their differences?

1. What Is Cyber Security?

Cybersecurity refers to the procedures taken to protect computers, servers, devices, networks and data from any malicious intent. Also, cybersecurity can be both in personal to business scale.

Furthermore, under cybersecurity, attacks are according to different categories.

  • Network & Application Security– focuses on securing computer networks. The most fitting example for this is the installation of firewalls and antivirus software. This category thus centers on freeing computer and networks from any threats. Also, furthering security by boosting weak links through additional layers of security.
  • Information Security– is the protection of all corporate data. You will learn more of this in the following subheading.
  • Operational Security– is also called as the procedural security. This involves the management of risks within operations. So the oversight should critically review business operations and see any gaps and potential leaks.  
  • Disaster Recovery– focuses on delivering business continuity in case of any unforeseen disaster. May it be a natural disaster or a cyber attack, the company should be ready for fast recovery.

The term cyber security is so broad. Also, full definition will only be possible according to the extent of harm. There are plenty of cyber attacks and threats, for instance. All of these, should be further addressed to ensure cybersecurity.

2. What Is Information Security?

So, what is information security?

Information security is also known as infosec, or data security.

As the name suggests, information or data security aims to secure data from any misuse or unauthorized access. Information security scales from the storing and the transferring of data. Because this is where possible leaks do occur.

So what is a real-life scenario of information security?

You can see the application of information security with the following methods.

  • Biometrics login
  • Social media profile security
  • Data on mobile phones

Furthermore, information security is under governance by three major principles. That is namely, confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

  • Confidentiality– aims to keep any data away from any unauthorized access
  • Integrity– makes sure that data is kept to its proper state. Thus any alteration and adjustments should only be from authorized persons
  • Availability– ensures that data is made available to those who are permitted to

3. Similar In Some Way: Towards One Goal

So, what’s the key similarity?

As both terms have, that is, security.

Both cybersecurity and information security aims to keep company away from malicious intents.

4. Key Differences: Cyber Security Vs Information Security

Cybersecurity protects against cyber attacks. Data, storage disruptions, and from devices, for instance.

Whereas, information security focuses on protecting solely data. May it be from any source or form.

Cybersecurity deals with cyber crimes, frauds, and reuglations. 

Whereas, information security deals with any unauthorized access that may result to further harm and attacks.

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