cybersecurity online course

Great Cybersecurity Online Course – Where?

Taking a cybersecurity online course is a great way to improve your skills in a quick and accessible way. Read on to see where to find those.

Why Take A Cybersecurity Online Course? 

The global pandemic impacted the global workforce in huge ways. Hence, every employee must strive to improve their skillset. Finishing a cybersecurity online course will give you a new qualification that will give you an edge among others. 

Furthermore, such excellent courses prove that you don’t have to hurt the bank to become qualified in cybersecurity. Ideally, you need to take a degree related to cybersecurity to reach a long way in the field. Yet, taking a cybersecurity online course is like a ‘trial’ that will help you see if the industry is really for you.

There are many free courses out there that will introduce some of the basics. This is a great way to see if this is the career you’d like. However, you need to sign up for more advanced courses to become an industry professional.

Where To Find A Great Cybersecurity Online Course

Read on to see where you can sign up for a cybersecurity online course and the best courses the providers offer.


Typically, courses on Udemy cost money. Yet, Udemy offers extremely cost-effective courses, some even for less than $20. There are just tons of courses to choose from. Furthermore, Udemy offers intensive learning opportunities. 

For instance, the Cyber Security Course for Beginners – Level 01 is perfect for everyone that is interested in the field. Furthermore, the Cybersecurity Law primer is a great course to take if you want to have a deeper understanding of cybersecurity ethics. 

The only downside of Udemy is it doesn’t carry and traditional educational accreditation. However, this is still a great option if you want to build up some experience in a very cost-effective way.

Open University 

The UK’s Open University (OU) is a leader when it comes to distance learning. OU have spent decades in developing their courses. Moreover, it serves an international range of students. OU’s online portal enables students to study different modules with clear timetables. All the information in the portal is clearly laid-out.

OU’s courses are for everyone regardless of their abilities and experience. Why? Because OU tailors their courses depending on one’s capabilities. Hence, this prevents students from getting overwhelmed. Another thing that made OU great is it delivers an accredited degree in computing and IT. 


Coursera offers a range of short courses for distance learning; some of those carry educational accreditation. One of their courses is Cybersecurity Specialization. The University of Maryland developed that course conceptualizing secure systems construction. At the end of the course, students can directly bring those concepts to life directly to their web browser.

Furthermore, the Cybersecurity Specialization consists of five courses. It may take several weeks to complete. An intermediate understanding of cybersecurity is a  must for this course.

However, there are courses that cover everything from the basics to more advanced specializations. Furthermore, you’ll find degrees in Coursera that focus on computing, IT, or data science. Yet, rest assured that cybersecurity is a significant part of the curriculum. 

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