How Cybersecurity Affects Us

How Cybersecurity Affects Us

Today, we are living in the digital age. So, there are a lot of ways in how cybersecurity affects us. And that happens every single day.

Why? Because digital techs are growing to be a more important part of our lives. So, we become more dependent on it.

We store all kinds of sensitive data on it. Yes, it makes our lives easier. But we also need to make sure these are safe and secure.

Because there are a lot of data breaches happening around. It has affected companies and all sizes. As well as normal individuals like us.

So, how does cybersecurity affects us? Keep on reading to know more.

How Cybersecurity Affects Us

E-mail and Internet

In cybersecurity, we cannot rely on common sense. Why? Cybercriminals take advantage of this saying. Because people vary on what they this is secure.

For example, you may think password123 is a weak password. But someone out there may think it is strong enough.

Or someone may download a file from a fishy e-mail. Without knowing it is a phishing scam. 

That is why a regular training and awareness program for cybersecurity is crucial. Especially for companies having a lot of employees. One error and the company can be in danger.


Today, we use have a lot of accounts for a lot of platforms. Like online banking, work accounts, mobile phones, and more.

Yes, it may seem like a hassle to keep track of these many passwords. That is why many people use easy-to-guess ones like 123456. So that they won’t have a hard time remembering passwords for each account.

While some do make hard-to-guess ones. But they tend to reuse it for other accounts. And that is true for 73% of people.

While these may be tempting to do, you should steer clear from this practice. Passwords exist to keep hackers out.

So, your company should make a strong password policy. This will make sure everyone keeps their accounts safe.

Social Media

The rise of techs also meant the rise of social media. We are now using it more and more as time goes by.

What we post may seem not that valuable. Meaning, these are things we are willing to share with the public. But this can be a great area for hackers to target.

Why? Because social media tend to give us a relaxed state of mind. So, we might let our guards down. As a result, they can spot a lot of areas to attack. Like sending malicious links or attachments to our wall or direct message.

One wrong move of clicking the link, then your account can be in danger. And this can be more serious in workplaces.

Cybercriminals know employees use their social media accounts at work. Especially on lunch breaks. So, your company needs to have a clear social media policy.

Cybersecurity Affects Us A Lot

So, these are ways how cybersecurity affects us. Do you now see its value? What are you doing to ensure you have strong cybersecurity in place?

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