Information Security Engineer Salaries

Information Security Engineer Salaries In The United States

Learn more about the information security engineer salaries. Also, uncover how much it takes to be a competent information security engineer.

How Much Is The Information Security Engineer Salaries?

If you are someone aspirant in the career of being an information security engineer, you should be concerned about how much it pays.

According to PayScale, an average position in this job earns an average salary of $90,923 annually. 

If you compare it with the American median salary, the figure is more than doubled. Because the American median salary amounts to $39,810. 

A variety of factors can affect the amount of fee this position can demand. Educational attainment, skills, expertise, and experience, for instance. These factors can either make or break a high demand.

Consider the following average Information Security Engineer Salaries depending on expertise.

  • Entry Level Position– $70,479
  • Early Career– $82,177
  • MidCareer– $99,780
  • Experienced– $109,188

Surely, working as an Information Security Engineer pays well, even with an entry-level position. 

How Can I Become An Information Security Engineer?

You might have wondered, ‘how can I become an Information Security Engineer?’.

Of course, gaining this demanding position should take much time and expertise. 

So how much does it take to be competent enough in this job position?

Here are some steps to help you boost your career.

Earn Bachelor’s Degree

First, you should earn a bachelor’s degree. It could be any course related to the field. Information security, cybersecurity, and computer science, for instance.

In addition, a high GPA and a robust internship can boost your competence. Certainly, it should revamp your real-world value to this degree.

Start With An Entry-Level Job

Next, gain experience with entry-level job positions. For instance, in areas with connection security engineering. Program testing and risk management, to name a few.

Some do gain experience while studying. This further helps them to apply what they learn in school, in a more practical way. Honing them into being more skillful in the field, for instance.

Pursue The Professional Experience

After gaining enough heads up in the career, spend more time for expertise. Perhaps you can spend a minimum of five (5) years on a professional level.

By doing so, you are qualifying yourself for the CISSP credential. Because the CISSP credential requires at least an experience of five (5) years in the field. This is possible through the International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium.

Earn Master’s Degree

Another, you can earn a master’s degree in the field. Perhaps either with cybersecurity or information security. The point is to gain more expertise and credentials in security engineering.

However, this step is optional and not really necessary. But doing so should add an extra layer of qualifying factor.

Go For The Gold!

Finally, you can now apply for the position. 

Yes, you can now sign your first contract as an official security engineer.

Moreover, these steps outlined are not all necessary. Gaining certifications and a master’s degree, for instance. But, these factors can surely revamp your qualification.

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