information security vs cyber security

Information Security Vs Cyber Security- Understanding Key Differences

Information security vs cyber security, these terms are often linked and interchanged together. But what are truly their differences in between?

Information Security Vs Cyber Security: Why The Connection?

Both information security vs cyber security is towards one prime purpose- security.

But sometimes, these two are said to be synonymous. This likely happens to those who are not aware of each individual purpose and scope.

But, really? Is there a difference between information security vs cyber security?

In reality, even though both terms concern security but they differ greatly. The other relates to the protection of data on the web. While the other one concerns the security of data in a more general sense.

Let us delve into each of these.

What Is Cyber Security?

Cyber security is the “practice of protecting systems, networks, and programs from digital attacks”, as Cisco puts it.

Moreover, cyber security has a wide scope. For instance, cyber security can affect computers, servers, mobile devices, systems, and networks. Basically, everything that can serve as access to cyber criminals and their malicious intentions.

In addition, cyber security applies to both personal and company devices.

Cyber Security can also consist of various categories. 

Namely, the following:

  • Network Security
  • Application Security
  • Information Security
  • Operational Security
  • Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity

Cyber Attacks can also consist of 4 different categories

  • Cybercrime
  • Cyberattacks
  • Cyber terrorism

So basically, this covers the scope of cyber security.

Now, what is information security?

What Is Information Security?

Information security refers to the security controls and measures a company implements to protect its data. It usually involves the storage and transfer of data, for instance.

Information can be either through biometrics, social media, and IoT data.

Basically, information security is governed by its three major principles. These principles are brought as one, namely, the CIA triad.

The CIA Triad is as follows:

  • Confidentiality- data should remain confidential and private. Particularly to people who do not have any authority over it. Also, confidentiality rules the two other principles, which are integrity and availability. 
  • Integrity– data should remain ‘as it is’. This does not necessarily mean that no alterations or changes should be made. But integrity means that no unauthorized alterations and changes. It means that the ‘proper state’ of data should be kept.
  • Availability- data should be available to whom it should be. Most importantly to people who need access to data to accomplish their tasks. Moreover, availability is closely related to the confidentiality principle. Although the data should be kept available to whom it should be. Yet, it should remain confidential to all unauthorized access.

Information Security Procedures Often Include:

  • Information security policy which also includes the access control policy
  • Password policy
  • Data support
  • Operation plans
  • Mantraps
  • Network intrusion detection systems
  • Regulatory compliance

Information Security Vs Cyber Security

So what’s their difference?

  • Information security protects data from any form. While cybersecurity protects any cyberattack through data, storage sources, and devices.
  • In addition, cybersecurity is wider in scope. In fact, information security is under cybersecurity.  
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