Cybersecurity Meaning

Cybersecurity Meaning In The 21st Century

What is cybersecurity meaning in today’s 21st century? 

How many times have you heard about cybersecurity headlining the news? How many data breach reports have you encountered during the past few months?

You sure should have heard of a lot. 

So in this post, we will be answering the following:

  • Why should you be concerned about cybersecurity?
  • What are the types of cybersecurity attacks that you should be wary of?

Cybersecurity Meaning & Importance

First of all, what is cybersecurity?

“Cybersecurity refers to the practice of protecting networks, systems, hardware, and data from digital attacks.”

Yes. Cybersecurity means investment. Today, it is more than just a could-have. But it is now considered a must-have. Without it, you are leaving your networks and systems into the open air of attacks and malicious actors. Thus, making you more vulnerable to financial and reputation loss.

Institutions That Should Concern Cybersecurity

Now, if you are handling business or is under some kind of sector, should you be concerned?

Of course, you should be.

In whatever entity you may be in, you are surely dealing with data. Data runs a company of any kind. 

For example, if you are in the healthcare industry. Hospitals, clinics, and laboratories, for instance. All do handle clinical data, patient records, and even financial details of patients.

On the other hand, it goes the same with educational institutions. For example, schools and universities gain access to each student’s profile. This well includes a student’s PII or personally identifiable information.

Lastly, if you are running a business or a financial entity. You surely should be dealing with big data. Not to mention intellectual properties that your company may be owning. Adding to the list are your customer’s and third-party’s data, as well.

The Need For Constant Caution

Thus, everyone is at risk. So everyone should understand cybersecurity’s meaning.

Besides, consider what a report says. It was forecasted that more than $6 trillion financial damage should be incurred under cybersecurity in 2021.

Why? How often do attacks take place?

Cybercrime can happen at least many times in a minute. Is this exaggerated?

Consider what a report says.

A cyberattack occurs every 14 seconds.

So what should this mean to you?

Certainly, never should you take cybersecurity lightly. Moreover, do not miss every chance of protection by negligence. 

Simple Cybersecurity Hygiene That Every Employee Should Know

  • Install protective antivirus programs
  • Never let go of firewalls
  • Employ multi-encryption security- most especially in accessing private corporate data
  • Password management- change the password regularly. Also, make use of password vaults or managers. These programs can help you store passwords safely. Not to mention that they can also generate passwords with mixed symbols and characters.

Most Common Cyber Attacks That You Should Know

Here are two of the most common cyber attacks today.


Malware stands for malicious software. Installing these into one’s device can let actors gain illicit access. For instance, on your private data and can even lead them to take control of your access. Thus, block you from accessing your device.


Usually done effectively by legit-looking emails. So never trust email links and attachments. Employees should connect with IT staff before clicking on anything through corporate devices. 

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