risks of automation testing

What are the Risks of Automation Testing?

Automation testing can come with some risks. It is possible to automate the wrong things, which can create more work and problems when there isn’t a well-defined process for automation. This is why it is important to have a pilot test before going full force into automation. It’s also possible to automate the wrong process, which can lead to an increase in manual testing.

If you automate a manual test, it’s important to make sure you are automating the correct actions and running tests that aren’t redundant or unnecessary. You should also check if the automation is still working after changes to the software or technology being tested. If you automate something incorrectly or stop using an automated test that was previously effective, this could increase the amount of manual testing that has to be done.

What Are the Benefits of Automation Testing?

There are several benefits of automation testing. 

Run tests faster and efficiently.

One of the most common benefits is being able to run tests faster and in a more efficient manner. Automation is also a great way to save time when multiple testers are testing the same piece of software or application at once. 

Automation can be useful with continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) so that integration and deployment cycles become quicker, which means that end-users receive fixes faster and can receive new software updates more frequently than they would with manual testing teams.

Achieve better results.

Another benefit of automation is being able to achieve better results with shorter feedback loops when developing new features or fixing bugs in production software. 

This means that your team will be able to know quickly if something isn’t working correctly so they can fix it before it impacts end-users or causes other issues with your software or application. Automation can also help prevent human error when testing applications, which is another nice benefit of automation testing.

Runs continuously without human input.

Because automation is by automation, it can run continuously without needing human input until it completes its job. By using automation for regression tests, will allow developers and testers to spend less time testing for things they know have already been in testing and focus on other tasks like creating new tests, adding new features, or fixing bugs in production software. 

This also helps prevent bugs from sneaking into production. For instance, by ensuring they have been caught by automated tests. That is, during development stages. Instead of relying on manual testers who may not have enough time or resources to catch them all.


Using automation for regression testing and other important tests can help you save time, money, and resources by helping you automate more tests. This means you can focus more on critical testing tasks that require humans to perform.


In conclusion, it is important to understand the risks and benefits of automation testing. Automation can be very helpful, but it’s important to have a well-defined process for your automation. This will help you make sure that you are precisely automating the correct things and that you aren’t taking away time or resources from other important automated tests or manual tests.

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